BurnFree Burn Dressing 30cm x 30cm

Non-adherent sterile wound dressing that solves the immediate first aid needs for all types of burns by relieving the pain, rapidly removing the heat, and soothing and cooling the burn as well as moisturising the skin. (30cm x 30xm) BurnFree Sterile Dressing can be used for larger burns on arms, legs, shoulders, back, and face. For burns on the face, the foam can easily be cut or torn to accommodate for eyes, nose, or mouth.

SKU: WAT12X16 Category:


– Tear package open, remove burn dressing, apply immediately to burn area, wrap area without applying pressure.
– For external used only.
– For serious burn injuries seek emergency medical care through a trained provider or physician immediately.

One gel soaked open-cell foam dressing folded in the pouch.

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