Mikrozid Universal Wipes 120s

Material-friendly rapid cleaning and disinfection wipes impregnated with a low-alcoholic solution. Good material compatibility (e.g. tablets); Rapid effect (Noro 30 sec); Effective referring to EN 16615 (4-Field-Test) in 1 minute and colourant and fragrance free.


Material-friendly rapid cleaning and disinfection wipes impregnated with a low-alcoholic solution

Schülke mikrozid® universal wipes is an alcohol-based rapid disinfection of medical devices used in all areas and all kinds of wipeable surfaces with an increased risk of infection, where short contact times are required and where a material friendly disinfectant is needed, e.g.:

  • Patient nearby surfaces
  • Patient treatment units
  • Examination couches
  • Operating tables and nearby work surfaces
  • Surfaces of medical equipment
  • Keybords or touch pads of sensitive communication equipment, e.g. smartphones or tablets

Instructions for use

  • Thoroughly wipe the surface with the impregnated cloth and allow to take effect.
  • Make sure to wet surfaces completely and keep them wet for the whole exposure time.
  • Make sure that all visible dirt is removed prior to disinfection.
  • When opening the softpack, make sure that hygiene requirements are maintained. Make sure to close the lid tightly after use.
  • The product can be used without gloves, if allowed by infection and occupational protection.
  • Not suitable for the disinfection of invasive medical devices.

Product Data

One softpack contains 100 ready-to-use pre-saturated wipes. 100 g solution contains the following active substances: 17,4 g Propan-2-ol, 12,6 g Ethanol (94 % w/w)
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004: < 5% anionic surfactants

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