Panadol Children Tablets 24s

This product is for children. It relieves fever, symptoms of cold and pain.


Oral administration only. For children below 6 years, tablet should be mixed with water or fruit juice.

Dosage for children age 2-4 years is 1.5 tablets; children age 4-7 years is 2 tablets; children age 7-9 years is 2.5 tablets; children age 9-10 years is 3 tablets; children age 10-11 years is 3.5 tablets; children age 11-12 years is 4 tablets.

Tablets may be chewed or dissolved in water or fruit juice.

Not recommended in children under 2 years. Do not take more than four doses in any 24 hours period. Each tablet contains 120mg Paracetamol.

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